“Tiempos hay de acometer y tiempos de retirar”: Golden Age literature and digital editing


  • Susanna Alles Torrent University of Miami


Any state of the art on textual criticism entails a deep reflection on the digital medium. Many national traditions have already faced the transformation of the editorial model: a model that implies, above all, a different method of execution and a new presentation of the materials. We are currently at a crucial moment in which – calling to mind Sancho’s words before the imminent participation of Don Quixote in a joust – we must decide whether or not to undertake the “new” practices within the field of digital editing. In studies of Renaissance and Spanish Golden Age literature, several projects of a high philological level and digital value have been carried out. This article intends to review some of the most emblematic and committed projects to digital humanities, and to evaluate to what extent they fit with the good practices of digital scholarly edition.


Digital scholarly editions, Spanish Golden Age


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