Focusing on images: The “Biblioteca Digital Ovidiana” as a research tool for the study of illustrated books


  • Fátima Díez Platas Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


The Biblioteca Digital Ovidiana is based on a research project dealing with the illustrated editions of the works of Ovid printed from the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries and preserved in Spanish libraries. The main innovation of the project consists in the specific focus on illustration. The role of the image within the illustrated book, the relations that it develops with the text and the value of the figurative apparatus in relationship with the literary work constitute the main fields of analysis and study of the editions and copies. Using as a study case the Transformaciones de Ovidio en lengua castellana (Antwerp, 1595), one of the only two illustrated Spanish editions of the Metamorphoses dating from the sixteenth century, this contribution aims to show how the illustrated books are approached from the viewpoint of the figurative corpus that accompanies the text, as well as the analysis, study and treatment of the illustrations as images, that is, as bearers and conveyors of specific meaning through a different medium.


engravings, printed editions, Ovid illustrated, Transformaciones, Antwerp, 1595


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Author Biography

Fátima Díez Platas, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Profesora Contratada Doctor

Departamento de Historia del Arte




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