The Symbola database of historical devices and emblems: Approach and conceptual design



The Interdisciplinary Seminar for the Study of Spanish Golden Age Literature (SIELAE) of the University of A Coruña, Spain, faces a new challenge among its research projects that will expand the resources offered until now in its BIDISO portal (Spanish Golden Age Digital Library). The new project involves the creation of a database on historical devices or imprese (emblematic badges) used by kings, gentlemen, ecclesiastics, academics and printers, among others, from the beginning of the genre in the late Middle Ages to their manifestations at their height of splendor during the fifteenth and sixteen centuries and their decline at the end of the seventeenth century. This paper outlines the approach and objectives, justification for the need to create an open access database on the Internet, specifications for the conceptual design of the database and details on development technologies.


Emblem studies, historical devices, imprese, badges, mottoes, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, chivalric arts, visual arts


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Author Biography

Sagrario López Poza, Universidade da Coruña (Spain)

Departamento de Filología Española y Latina

Catedrática de Literatura Española




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