Spanish Poetry of the Golden Age and German Romantic lieder: lyrical reception and musical transformation of the image of Spain



During the 19th century Spanish lyrical Golden Age texts were set to music as Romantic lieder by German-speaking composers (Beethoven, Loewe, Schumann, Jensen, Brahms, among others), a process that served to spread an imagery of Spain that underwent a gradual transformation as the century advanced, and whose evolution is particularly visible in the setting of the texts to music. The nature of this exchange, which affects two different arts and two different languages, and where the translators’ mediation plays a decisive role, shows on one hand the importance of less habitual channels of transmission in the dissemination of literary texts; on the other, that the greatest representatives of the poetic canon of the country of origin were hardly ever the most successful in the lied versions. In addition, parallel to this Spanish fashion in music a lyrical formula sprang up that imitated certain features of Spanish poetry and in fact passed as such in musical versions by Weber, Mendelssohn or Schubert. Rendering literary materials into music implies a deep rereading of the poetic tradition, to the point that the translator’s treason (‘traduttore traditore’) is compounded by the composer’s.


Spanish Golden Age poetry, German Romantic lieder, translation, national imagery, canon


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Author Biography

Mercedes Comellas, Universidad de Sevilla

Mercedes Comellas
Profesora Titular de Literatura Española
Departamento de Literatura Española e Hispanoamericana
Investigadora del Grupo P.A.S.O.
Coordinadora del Máster Universitario en Estudios Lingüísticos, Literarios y Culturales
Universidad de Sevilla




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