Quantitative analysis applied to poetry: the undoubted sacred lyric of Damian Cornejo and Leon Marchante


  • Zoraida Sánchez Mateos Universidad de Valladolid


The quantitative analysis allows to delimit and contrast in an objective way the stylistic characteristics of textual corpus. Through this type of studies, we have defined morphonsyntactic and lexical features which allow to differentiate the undoubted sacred poems of Damian Cornejo from Leon Marchante. These data have been compared with those obtained in undoubted profane poetry and in prose in order to check if there are similarities between the productions of the same author. The results have established a series of parameters that will help to determine the authorship of religious poems attributed to both of them.


poetry, sacred, Damian Cornejo, Leon Marchante, quantitative analysis, stylometry


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Author Biography

Zoraida Sánchez Mateos, Universidad de Valladolid

Becaria predoctoral del departamento de Literatura española, Teoría de la literatura y Literatura comparada de la Universidad de Valladolid.




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