Luther from Latin America


  • Alicia Mayer Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas


This paper aims to analyze the perception of Martin Luther in Latin America throughout its history. This context has not been sufficiently studied in depth and, in fact, the topic of the reformer and his theological proposal could be perceived as something totally foreign to the Latin American sphere. However, of great interest is the way in which the former German Augustinian monk has been approached, studied, attacked or understood in a world that was heir to Hispanic and counter-reformist values since the very times of its formation, first, as colonies and then as nation states with a historical heritage and a cultural background that shape how this historical character has been seen over time.


Martin Luther, Latin America, heresy, Roman Catholic Church, Counter-Reformation, Protestantism, Catholicism

Author Biography

Alicia Mayer, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas

Historia Colonial

Investigadora Titular C de Tiempo completo, definitiva




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