Crypto-Jewish Writings in the Golden Age: the "Ramillete de Flores"


  • María José Vega Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


This article proposes to identify a book, Ramillete de Flores, which appears mentioned as a frequently read text by some of those accused of crypto-Judaism during the Spanish Golden Age. David Gitlitz had understood that this volume was Perah Shoshan or Perach Schouschan, Ramelhete de !ores, colhido no jardim das artes by Isaac Matatia Aboab (Amsterdam, 1687). This article argues that such an identification does not conform to the evidence we have, and sustains that the book that was being read by the practicing communities was Ramillete de Flores, with psalms of David, by Pedro Ruiz de la Visitación (Mallorca, 1589). It also interprets this fact in the light of the books and authors most frequently cited in the trials for Marranism (Juan de Dueñas, fray Luis de Granada, Juan de Pineda) and the practice of selective reading oriented towards substitutional texts, that try to offer access to the Psalter and knowledge of the Old Testament, the Talmud and the history of Israel.


cryptojudaism, marranism, reading, censorship, psalms, Talmud




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