The dialogical friendship in harsh times


  • José Luis Ocasar Ariza George Washington University


The critical intention of Arce de Otálora’s Coloquios de Palatino y Pinciano embraces the greater part of mid-XVIth century. Nevertheless, the work has an esentially joyfull tone, avoiding the usual anguish and despair of nonconformist or dissenting people. The key of this lightness is friendship, a feeling that arises from the very first lines of this dialogue and acquires new importance in the Renaissance. Friendship doesn’t appear only between interlocutors, but is essential in the genesis of this work. Moreover, Otálora extends it to all the literates, who would take part of an invisible community. Behind this, the hidden figures of Erasmus and Plutarch emerge in an undercover translation.


Arce de Otálora, Coloquios de Palatino y Pinciano, dialogue, friendship, Humanism, Plutarch, Erasmus, translation


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