The image of a forbidden prayer. The superstitious worship around Saint Cristopher


  • Marcela Londoño Rendón Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


The Prayer of Saint Cristopher was forbidden for a superstition reason in the Spanish and Portuguese indexes in the 16th century. Despite this fact, the preserved texts of this prayer do not offer any sign of a superstitious content. However, ever since the end of the Middle Ages, the existence of the belief that the mere contemplation of the saint’s image, for a day, could free the observer from the so called bad death or sudden death has been documented. Based on a new approach on the origin of the hagiographic legend of Saint Cristopher, a source of the apotropaic virtues of the saint, this article proposes a reading of the prayer in the light of the superstitious worship around his iconographic representation. This relationship shows that the prohibition of the written text also aimed to influence the elimination of the superstitious belief in the power of the image.


Saint Cristopher, forbidden prayers, Inquisition, superstitious worship


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