Friedrich Schlegel’s "Alarcos". A drama in the style of Calderón?


  • Irene Pacheco Universitat de València


Germany’s increasing fondness of Spanish literature and culture starting in the second half of the 18th century spawned dramas inspired in Spanish settings or characters. Examples of this are Clavijo (1774) by Goethe or Ponce de León (1804) by Brentano. Some key studies on German Romantic Calderonism mention Alarcos by Friedrich Schlegel as a tragedy influenced by Calderón without digging any deeper. Starting from this premise, this article investigates the relationship between Schlegel’s work and Calderón and Spanish literature to argue that it goes beyond a thematic similarity. Apart
from recovering the Spanish legend of Count Alarcos, Schlegel’s Alarcos was an innovative and controversial work because it imitated the polyrhythm in Spanish Baroque theater. Schlegel attempted to portray through his work the intrinsic tie between form
and content, which in his eyes was embodied in Spanish Baroque theater. Therefore, given the absence of a critical testimony explaining German romantics’ interpretation of form in Spanish Golden Age theater, Schlegel’s Alarcos helps fill that void.


Golden Age theater, polyrhythm, assonance, tragedy, German Romanticism


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